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Mouse blood and lymphatic vessels phenotyping

Barcelona, November 17th - 20th 2014

CBATEG and Veterinary School

The EC FP7 funded INFRAFRONTIER-I3 project offers a phenotyping training course on mouse blood and lymphatic vessels phenotyping that will be held at the UAB Barcelona / CBATEG and Veterinary School on November 17 – 20, 2014.


Objective of the course

The aim of this INFRAFRONTIER Training Course is to capacitate participants to localize and interpret the most common vascular morphological abnormalities found in mutant mice. This will occur in the context of dedicated learning sessions devoted to the study of blood and lymphatic vessels anatomy, and the methodologies (Dissection, Vascular injection, Corrosion, Transparentation, CT, MRI, Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy, Immunohistochemistry, etc.) used to visualize the mouse circulatory system. Lectures will be followed by practical sessions in which participants will demonstrate and analyze mouse vessels with different technologies. In addition to the theoretical and practical sessions, the course will include seminars where specific vascular abnormalities found in mutant mice will be discussed.



This course is intended for technicians and / or scientists working in the area of mouse phenotyping.



Course coordinator: Jesús Ruberte

Professor of Veterinary Anatomy, Head of the Mouse Imaging Platform and Morphological Analysis Unit, CBATEG, UAB





Ghina Bou. Institut Clinique de la Souris (ICS). Phenomin. France


Marc Navarro Professor of Veterinary Anatomy. UAB


Ana Carretero Professor of Veterinary Anatomy. UAB


Luisa Mendes-Jorge Professor of Veterinary Anatomy. Lisbon University. Portugal


David Ramos. Center of Animal Biotechnology and Gene Therapy (CBATEG)


Anna Planavila Biomedicine Institute (IBUB)


Elisabeth Dominguez. Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery. UAB


Silvia Lope. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Service. UAB


Víctor Nacher Professor of Veterinary Anatomy. UAB (Secretary of the course)



Registration deadline: October 15th 2014



Registration fee: 1200 €

The organization will cover coffee breaks, lunches and the dinner on the 19th for all participants.



Number of participants: 10



For enquiries and inscription contact:


Download the course Flyer


Download the Program




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