Free mouse model development service
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Open call for development of one novel mouse model of human disease to the biomedical research community based in Greece. The novel mouse line should advance knowledge of human disease and should be of widespread use in biomedical science.
Free mouse model development service
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Open call for development of one novel mouse model of human disease to the biomedical research community based in Greece. The novel mouse line should advance knowledge of human disease and should be of widespread use in biomedical science.
Mouse Phenotyping
Mouse Phenotyping
Mouse Phenotyping
Greece already holds an internationally recognized, competitive position in disease phenotyping and has both state-of-the-art scientific and technological expertise to support international-level infrastructures for research and technology development.
A 2009-2010 feasibility study mapped the requirements of academic, clinical and business communities for the use of mouse models. The study highlighted the need for an accessible Mouse Resource Infrastructure to boost Greek Research and Innovation in areas of proven scientific excellence, such as Inflammation, Cancer, Neurodegeneration, Obesity, Diabetes and heart diseases. This scientific capital can be effectively translated to clinical applications only via a preclinical platform, which will assess and evaluate relevant disease features and provide leads to amelioration and cure. Based on these needs, InfrafrontierGR infrastructure was seeded in 2008 with the inclusion of Greece in the EU Infrafrontier preparatory phase and in 2009 as the national node of the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA). The RI was consolidated through the national construction phase and Infrafrontier-I3 program. Through its coordinating Institute, BSRC Fleming, the national RI officially participated in all stages of the preparation and implementation of the ESFRI Infrastructure. In that context, InfrafrontierGR acts as a gateway for the dissemination and exploitation of Greek mouse models of human disease. Many of these models have a competitive advantage since they can be used as secondary filters for target identification and validation, as well as for preclinical evaluation of lead compounds in line with smart specialization objectives.