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​InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos Research Infrastructure

Trans-regional Access call - June 2019

Mouse Model Development | Call information and application form

Context and aim of the call 

InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos is the Greek Research Infrastructure Node for the Molecular, Behavioral and Phenotypic Analysis of Mouse Models for Human Chronic Degenerative Diseases. The infrastructure provides access to first-class expertise and tools for biomedical research, with core services covering the systemic phenotyping of mouse mutants in Greek regional mouse clinics, and the generation, archiving and distribution of mouse mutant lines through the Greek node of the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA) 

Main objective of this call is to facilitate access for the biomedical research community based in Greece, to the unique infrastructure and scientific expertise of the participating InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos transgenic facilities, to deliver novel mouse lines that will advance knowledge of human disease and will be of widespread use in biomedical science. Recent advances in genome editing technology will be used to develop new mouse models of human disease. InfrafronterGR/Phenotypos will provide open access to all newly developed disease models through the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA). Access to this free-of-charge-service will be granted mainly on the basis of the applicant’s research plans and the potential impact of the proposed novel mouse line on the wider biomedical research community.

More information about InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos on

Informal enquiries are welcome via, tel: +30 210 8979628.

Proposal submission to by 31/07/2019.

NEW proposal deadline: 10/09/2019.

Proposal evaluation from 11/09/2019 to 31/10/2019.

InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos (MIS 5002135) is implemented under the Action Reinforcement of the Research and Innovation Infrastructure, is funded by the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (NSRF 2014-2020) and is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund).



Trans-Regional Access (TA) activity of the InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos project
Free of charge mouse model development service


The InfrafrontierGR-Phenotypos project supports eligible customers with a free-of-charge mouse model development service implemented as a Trans-regional Access activity supporting a total of two (2) projects in this call.

The access unit offered covers the production of a minimum of a single heterozygous mouse line, carrying the gene alteration of choice.

The model development services will be run by the BSRC Fleming Transgenics Facility (2 access units) and may involve one of the three main mouse transgenic technologies:

  1. CRISPR/Cas9 method for the production of genome-edited mouse line. The service includes prediction of off-target sites, preparation of sgRNA’s and Cas9 mRNA/protein, and delivery into zygotes to generate F0 founder mutant animals. Selected F0 animals will be bred to germ line to produce F1 genome edited animals. Possible allele types that can be generated should be small insertions or deletions (indels).

  2. Blastocysts injection method of gene-targeted embryonic stem cells (ESC) for the generation of a new mouse line carrying a disrupted or mutated genetic locus. Already validated gene-targeted ES cell clones must be provided from either international consortia such as IKMC, or other sources, at the Investigator’s cost. For each project a minimum of two independent ES cell clones will be requested to maximize the probability to obtain a germline-transmitting chimera. Breeding of chimeras result in the generation of the F1 mutated founder line.

  3. DNA microinjection method in the pronucleus of zygotes for the generation of transgenic mice, carrying an inserted cassette in their genome. The DNA construct will be provided by the investigator accompanied by a proof that the transgene can be detected in genomic DNA by a functional assay, as well as a gel photo where integrity and quantity of the DNA is documented with the help of a known DNA marker. The minimum of 3 transgenic founders will be delivered for every construct injected.

Newly developed mouse models will be made available to selected applicants within an average of 12 months following provision of all required information to start the mouse production. 

The generated mouse models will be made available to the scientific community. An optional grace period of up to 1 year for mouse resources may apply, with immediate release of mouse resources after expiry of the grace period. Mouse mutant lines will be deposited into the INFRAFRONTIER/EMMA repository for subsequent use by the scientific community. 

A collaboration agreement will be established between BSRC Fleming and applicants.

Cost: Access to the InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos model development service is free of charge. Validated gene-targeted ES cell clones must be provided at the Investigator’s cost. Shipment cost of the newly developed mouse models must be covered by the investigator. 

Eligibility: Applications for the InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos TA call can be submitted by applicants based in Greece, except the region of Crete. An additional call for Crete-based applicants will be published in the near future. Members of the InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos infrastructure are not eligible for applying, with the exception of Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics. Applicants should be able to demonstrate access to mouse hoteling and analysis facilities.

Applications: Service requests for the InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos model development service can be made via an application form. Applications for the Trans-regional Access activity must be accompanied by a short description of the project (focusing on research plans for utilising the newly developed mouse model that is being generated by the InfrafrontierGR-Phenotypos TA service plus its impact on the wider biomedical research community).

Selection procedure: InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos mouse production capacities will be subject to a review procedure which will be initiated after call for TA applications is closed. The review will be based on a short description of the project involving the mouse mutants to be produced by the TA service. In addition to scientific merit of applicants, soundness and feasibility of the proposal, research plans, and the beneficial impact of the proposed novel mouse line on the wider biomedical research community will be assessed. A mixed panel of members of InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos and potentially of external evaluators will assess service requests supported by the TA activity. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of the evaluation within 6 weeks after the end of the call for which the TA application was submitted.

Acknowledgements: Selected beneficiaries are obliged to acknowledge the support under this scheme in all resulting publications by "We acknowledge support of this work by project InfrafrontierGR-Phenotypos (MIS 5002135), which is implemented under the Action Reinforcement of the Research and Innovation Infrastructure, is funded by the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (NSRF 2014-2020) and is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)”.


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