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Mouse Phenotyping

Infrafrontier-GR partners aim to advance medical and biological research by providing the scientific community with standardised, high-quality phenotyping services. All partners have extensive experience and expertise with state-of-the-art equipment and follow closely the dynamic and developing set of procedures, continuously adapting to new techniques and needs of the research community.
The services provided are of the highest standards through a comprehensive panel of mouse phenotyping tests, relying on standardized and highly customized protocols. Assay applications address most biological functions and cover the main therapeutic areas, including mutant mouse characterization, validation of drug effect(s), or produce biologically relevant data in early drug discovery. 


BSRC Al. Fleming's histopathology lab has more than 12 years of experience to provide state-of-the-art research histology services. Specialized staff offers a full array of services including evaluating the user’s needs in histology and advice on using the most appropriate techniques. Included in the range of services available are cutting (including bone) and staining as well as cryostat sectioning. Assistance can also be provided to mouse biology research scientists in processing tissue samples for routine histochemical and immunostaining procedures. 




The services provided are of the highest standards through a comprehensive panel of mouse phenotyping tests, relying on standardized and highly customized protocols. Assay applications address most biological functions and cover the main therapeutic areas, including mutant mouse characterization, validation of drug effect(s), or produce biologically relevant data in early drug discovery.


Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting


The Flow Cytometry Facility at BSRC’s Institute of Immunology provides investigators with support for flow cytometric analysis and operator-based cell sorting. The facility is equipped with flow cytometric analyzers capable for up to 8-colour analysis and high-throughput applications as well as a cell-sorting unit. Its personnel offers maintenance of the instruments, assistance on instrument usage, experimental design depending upon the researcher's knowledge and requirements, experimental troubleshooting and running of cell sorting experiments.



The Macromolecular Analysis Laboratory provides a core facility for the analysis and characterization of proteins and their interactions with other biomolecules.



The Imaging Unit provides expertise and state-of-the-art equipment for modern multidimensional biomedical imaging applications using modern microscopy methods, digital image processing and computational image analysis. The scientific personnel can provide expert guidance to scientists and assistance for projects requiring highly specialized image processing and analysis.




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