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INFRAFRONTIER-I3 offers a free of charge mouse phenotyping service

INFRAFRONTIER-I3 offers a free of charge mouse phenotyping service

The EC FP7 funded INFRAFRONTIER-I3 project (2013 – 2016) supports European researchers with a free of charge mouse phenotyping service.

A total of 22 mouse mutant lines can be characterised through a broad based primary phenotyping pipeline in all the major adult organ systems and most areas of major human disease.

The service provided consists of a comprehensive first line phenotyping of a mutant line with appropriate control. Possible starting materials are targeted ES cells (Sanger Institute), breeding pairs or frozen embryos depending on centre-specific requirements as described on page 6 of the application document. In case of the Sanger Institute, lines of interest can be nominated from the Sanger ES cell collection from which then a KO mouse line will be produced and phenotyped. The available Sanger ES cells for this service are available for download on the INFRAFRONTIER website.


The access to the INFRAFRONTIER-I3 resources allocated to this work package is free of charge. However, the shipment cost of the starting material (breeding pairs or frozen embryos) to the respective mouse clinic must be covered by the customers.


Applications for the INFRAFRONTIER-I3 TA can be submitted from customers based in eligible countries, namely:EU Member States: Austria (AT), Belgium (BE), Bulgaria (BG), Cyprus (CY), Czech Republic (CZ), Denmark (DK), Estonia (EE), Finland (FI), France (FR), Germany (DE), Greece (GR), Hungary (HU), Ireland (IE), Italy (IT), Latvia (LV), Lithuania (LT), Luxembourg (LU), Malta (MT), Netherlands (NL), Poland (PO), Portugal (PT), Romania (RO), Slovakia (SK), Slovenia (SI), Spain (ES), Sweden (SE), United Kingdom (GB).

Associated Countries

Albania (AL), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Croatia (HR), Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK), Faroe Islands (FO), Iceland (IS), Israel (IL), Liechtenstein (LI), Republic of Moldova (MD), Montenegro (ME), Norway (NO), Serbia (RS), Switzerland (CH), Turkey (TR).


Service requests for the second call of the INFRAFRONTIER-I3 mouse phenotyping service can be made via a dedicated application form available at

Applications for the Transnational Access activity must be accompanied by a short description of the project involving the mouse mutant being phenotyped by the INFRAFRONTIER-I3 TA service. Applications may be submitted in response to a total of 2 calls.

Selection procedure

Service requests from eligible customers for free of charge access to this INFRAFRONTIER-I3 TA service will be subject to a review procedure which will be initiated after calls for TA applications are closed. All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality. The review will be based on short descriptions of the projects involving the mouse mutants that will be phenotyped by the TA service. Members of the external INFRAFRONTIER Evaluation Committee will assess service requests supported by the TA activity.

Selection criteria are:

1) availability of mouse mutant line

2) scientific merit

3) soundness of submitted proposal, and

4) access of applicants to phenotyping facilities

The panel will ensure that free access is granted to those users who have not previously benefited from this scheme. Only one access unit will be granted to a principal investigator per call. Applicants will be informed on the outcome of the evaluation within 4 weeks after the end of the call for which the TA application was submitted.

Send your proposal to: by March 15th 2014.

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