Free mouse model development service
Call information and application form
Open call for development of one novel mouse model of human disease to the biomedical research community based in Greece. The novel mouse line should advance knowledge of human disease and should be of widespread use in biomedical science.
Free mouse model development service
Call information and application form
Open call for development of one novel mouse model of human disease to the biomedical research community based in Greece. The novel mouse line should advance knowledge of human disease and should be of widespread use in biomedical science.
Mouse Phenotyping
Mouse Phenotyping
Mouse Phenotyping
Vevo 3100 Seminar invitation
Vevo 3100 Seminar invitation
We are pleased to announce the organization of a Seminar on Vevo Ultrasound preclinical system focused on the unique platform for Multi-modality Imaging in Translational Research in Cardio-Vascular, Cancer, Neuron and more. The Seminar will be held in the Fleming Auditorium on June 26th 2019, at 15.00-17.00.
The Seminar will be held in the Fleming Auditorium on June 26th 2019, at 15:00-17:00