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INFRAFRONTIER2020 Project | Trans-national Access call - April 2019

INFRAFRONTIER2020 Project | Trans-national Access call - April 2019


The goal of IMM2019 is to bring together a diverse group of scientists interested in all aspects of advanced mouse experiments within current ethical standards, including key developers of emerging technologies as well as researchers who wish to apply and assess these new approaches.

The workshop encourages an in-depth and unvarnished discussion of novel developments in the fields of mouse modeling, addressing the topics:

- How to make genetically-engineered mice in the CRISPR/Cas9 era?
- Novel in vivo applications of CRISPR/Cas9 technology
- Advanced imaging and phenotyping
- How to deal with the mouse microbiota?
- Closing debate: the future of mouse models in fundamental and/or translational research


Hellmut Augustin (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg)
Sylvia Boj (Hubrecht Organoid Technology, Utrecht)
Lukas Dow (Weill Cornell Medicine, New York)
Channabasavaiah B. Gurumurthy (Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha)
Mark Henkelman (Mouse Imaging Centre, Toronto)
Yann Herault (Institut Génétique Biologie Moléculaire Cellulaire, Illkirch)
Floor Hugenholtz (Microbiota Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam)
Ivo Huijbers (The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam)
Reza Kalhor (Harvard Medical School, Boston)
Arthur Liesz (University Medical Center Munich, Munich)
Jacco van Rheenen (The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam)
Els Robanus-Maandag (Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden)
Christine Mummery (Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden)
Keiichiro Suzuki (Osaka University, Osaka)
Mihail Todorov (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich)
Søren Warming (Genentech, South San Francisco)
Lin Wu (Harvard University)
Branko Zevnik (CECAD Cologne, Cologne)

IMM2019 is a unique opportunity for young researchers to share their experiences. Thus, we encourage you to submit an abstract! 4-5 abstracts will be selected for brief oral presentations.


We hope to meet you at the IMM2019 in Leiden!

The IMM2019 Organizers

Ivo Huijbers (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam)
Peter Hohenstein (LUMC, Leiden)
Jos Jonkers (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam)
Paul Krimpenfort (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam)
Hein te Riele (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam)
Els Robanus-Maandag (LUMC, Leiden)
Marian van Roon (Animal Research Center (ARC) Poonawalla Science Park B.V. Bilthoven)
Anna Gandaglia (Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam)

A researcher wearing purple latex gloves
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