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Summer school in Mouse Functional Genomics | May 2019, Alsace, France

Summer school in Mouse Functional Genomics | May 2019, Alsace, France

Early Bird - February 15th

PHENOMIN supports researchers who use mouse models by giving us the opportunity to take part to the biennial Edition of the unique Advanced European summer school which expands your understanding of critical aspects related to mouse model for biomedical and basic research.

Would you like to learn how to choose, create, manage and analyse your best mouse model?

Do you want to increase your background in mouse functional genomics to lead as best your research?

If so, come to the heart of Europe to be involved - together with other students and researchers from all over the world - in opened discussion, in constructive analysis of your own research and in building conceptual scientific advances. This unique international event will provide the attendees with a wealth of information on methods good practices in the use of mouse model (experimental design, ethics, regulations, analysis, data and resources ...) to support attendees in their research. The school covers the all the fields of mouse phenogenomics, ranging through 5 topics from state-of-the-art mouse genetics, mutagenesis, mouse colony management, phenotyping human diseases and data management (statistical approaches).

More information at

What are the benefits of attending this training?

PHENOMIN's school provides the unique opportunity for PhDs and young postdocs to discuss their research in detail with experts as well as peers.
- Connection between doctoral education and international research projects
- Theory and workshops
- Networking and socialising

The expected impacts are:
- Concrete changes in the management of your experimental projects
- Concrete changes in your laboratory and/or animal facility
- Concrete changes in the analysis and interpretation of the model data you use
The program also addresses the item of continuing professional education consistent with the new European directive requirement for lab animal protection in experiments.

To whom is the school targeted ?

The thematic school welcomes newcomers and former participants, peoples who directly or indirectly use the mouse as a model for scientific research and wish to expand their understanding of animal research. We encourage both industrial and academic researchers from across Europe to attend this school.

The school is intended for:
- PhDs and Postdocs
- Researchers
- Clinicians

The school involves major infrastructure from France and rest of Europe, through its INFRAFRONTIER partnership.

The teachers are all experts from European landscape of the mouse phenogenomics field.
A maximum of 40 participants can attend at the school.

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