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Infrafrontier Memorandum of Understanding signed by five countries

Infrafrontier Memorandum of Understanding signed by five countries

With the signatures of the Czech Republic last week and France this week, the Infrafrontier Memorandum of Understanding has now been signed by five European member states. The document had already been signed by Germany, Greece and Finland.

In the Memorandum of Understanding, the signatories express their intent to implement the pan-European Infrafrontier Research Infrastructure. This includes the establishment of a legal entity for the coordination of the pan-European activities of the research infrastructure, and the financial support of the national facilities contributing to the research infrastructures.

The establishment of the Infrafrontier Legal Entity is currently being prepared in the Infrafrontier Inter-Ministry Working Group. This group contains representatives of ministries and major funding bodies from Germany, France, Czech Republic, Greece, Finland, Spain, Sweden, Italy, and from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). It is active since October 2010.

More than 135 Million Euros have already been committed for the construction, upgrading and operation of the national facilities contributing to the pan-European Infrafrontier Research Infrastructure in Germany, France, Czech Republic, Greece, Finland, Austria, Spain and Italy.

A researcher wearing purple latex gloves
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