Free mouse model development service
Call information and application form
Open call for development of one novel mouse model of human disease to the biomedical research community based in Greece. The novel mouse line should advance knowledge of human disease and should be of widespread use in biomedical science.
Free mouse model development service
Call information and application form
Open call for development of one novel mouse model of human disease to the biomedical research community based in Greece. The novel mouse line should advance knowledge of human disease and should be of widespread use in biomedical science.
Mouse Phenotyping
Mouse Phenotyping
Mouse Phenotyping
INFRAFRONTIER Stakeholder Meeting
Advancing Personalised Medicine with Animal Models
INFRAFRONTIER / IMPC Stakeholder Meeting
14-16 November 2017, Athens, Royal Olympic Hotel
This is the first stakeholder meeting of INFRAFRONTIER, the European Research Infrastructure for phenotyping and archiving of model mammalian genomes. The meeting will be jointly organized with the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC, www.mousephenotype.org) to which INFRAFRONTIER is contributing. Focus of this meeting is on ‘Advancing Personalised Medicine with Animal Models’. The meeting is open to a wide range of INFRAFRONTIER stakeholders including Personalised Medicine initiatives, Rare Disease networks, funders, regulators and the INFRAFRONTIER user community to discuss advances in CRISPR/Cas9 technology to model human conditions.
Programme in a nutshell
The Stakeholder Meeting will be structured into 3 main themes
1) Advancing Personalised Medicine with Animal Models (14 November)
CRISPR/Cas9 based approaches to model human conditions
Use cases for the utility of animal models for identifying targets for precision therapies
2) International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium – Open Annual Meeting (15 November)
IMPC CRISPR/Cas9 technology updates, and assessments of phenotyping pipeline, tests in development and new horizons
IMPC data analysis and outreach
3) Responsible Research (16 November)
Editing mammalian genomes: ethical considerations
Reproducibility in experimental animal research​
INFRAFRONTIER sponsors ‘Young Investigator Travel Grants’ to attend and contribute to the Stakeholder Meeting
Meeting aims are to:
Raise awareness of INFRAFRONTIER / IMPC platforms among current Personalised Medicine initiatives, funders and policy makers
Present use cases for the utility of animal models for identifying targets for precision therapies
Share advances in CRISPR/Cas9 technology to model human conditions
Strengthen interactions with Personalised Medicine initiatives and Rare Disease consortia
Deadline for submission of abstracts for Travel Grant applications: 15 September 2017