Free mouse model development service
Call information and application form
Open call for development of one novel mouse model of human disease to the biomedical research community based in Greece. The novel mouse line should advance knowledge of human disease and should be of widespread use in biomedical science.
Free mouse model development service
Call information and application form
Open call for development of one novel mouse model of human disease to the biomedical research community based in Greece. The novel mouse line should advance knowledge of human disease and should be of widespread use in biomedical science.
Mouse Phenotyping
Mouse Phenotyping
Mouse Phenotyping
INFRAFRONTIER / IMPC Stakeholder Meeting
- Raise awareness of INFRAFRONTIER / IMPC platforms among current Personalised Medicine initiatives,
funders and policy makers
- Present use cases for the utility of animal models for identifying targets for precision therapies
- Share advances in CRISPR/Cas9 technology to model human conditions
- Strengthen interactions with Personalised Medicine initiatives and Rare Disease consortia