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News & Events Archive



InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos | Call for proposals for free of charge mouse phenotyping services- July 2020


InfrafrontierGR/PHenotypos provides free access to state-of-the-art mouse phenotyping platforms, including standardized and customized assays used to monitor disease parameters and elucidate the molecular and genetic basis of pathologic processes involved in chronic degenerative diseases



Live Webinar | Promethion CORE

The power of n & 3R's in practice: Introduction to the Promethion CORE metabolism and behavior phenotyping platform – reduction, refinement, reproducibility


​We are pleased to announce the organization of a Live webinar to Introduce the Promethion CORE metabolism and behavior phenotyping platform. The Live Webinar will be held on July 1st, at 15.00-17.00.




1st Laboratory Animal Science Course (Webinar)

July 09-10, 2020


A two-day intensive Course on laboratory animal science is organized at the BSRC Fleming. The Course content includes the Core Modules, as described in the Commission “Working Document on the development of a common education and training framework to fulfill the requirements under the Directive 2010/63/EU". 

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+30 210 8979628





InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos | Call for proposals for free of charge mouse development services- June 2020 


Open call for development of one novel mouse model of human disease to the biomedical research community based in Greece. The novel mouse line should advance knowledge of human disease and should be of widespread use in biomedical science. 



INFRAFRONTIER2020 Project | Trans-national Access call - July 2019

Specialised phenotyping pipelines


In this specialised phenotyping call, access is provided to a comprehensive panel of phenotyping tests, relying on standardized and customized protocols in key therapeutic areas: 1) Induced secondary phenotyping screen under acute or more chronic inflammatory conditions  2) Functional immune-phenotyping screen by mass cytometry



Vevo 3100 Seminar invitation 


​We are pleased to announce the organization of a Seminar on Vevo Ultrasound preclinical system focused on the unique platform for Multi-modality Imaging in Translational Research in Cardio-Vascular, Cancer, Neuron and more. The Seminar will be held in the Fleming Auditorium  on June 26th 2019, at 15.00-17.00.




​InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos Research Infrastructure
Trans-regional Access call - June 2019

Mouse Model Development


The main objective of this open call is to facilitate access to the biomedical research community based in Greece, to the unique infrastructure and scientific expertise of the participating InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos transgenic facilities, to deliver novel mouse lines that will advance knowledge of human disease and will be of widespread use in biomedical science.



INFRAFRONTIER2020 Project | Trans-national Access call - June 2019

Specialised phenotyping pipelines


In this specialised phenotyping call, access is provided to a comprehensive panel of phenotyping tests, relying on standardized and customized protocols in key therapeutic areas: 1) Induced secondary phenotyping screen under acute or more chronic inflammatory conditions  2) Functional immune-phenotyping screen by mass cytometry



INFRAFRONTIER2020 Project | Trans-national Access call - May 2019

Precision rat model development


 Main objective of this INFRAFRONTIER open call is to facilitate access for the wider biomedical research community to the unique infrastructure and scientific expertise of the participating INFRAFRONTIER partners, to deliver novel rat mutant models that will advance knowledge of human disease and will be of widespread use in biomedical science.

This Trans-national Access call of the INFRAFRONTIER2020 project supports a total of 3 precision rat model development projects



33rd International Mammalian Genome Conference

25-29 September 2019, Strasbourg, France


The main purpose of the International Mammalian Genome Society is to promote and stimulate research in mammalian genetics from sequencing to functional genomics, mutagenesis and mutant analysis, and to represent the concerns of its members in their professional activities.

The perpetual evolution of mammalian genomics is the main focus of IMGS' annual conferences.

The window to register is limited ! Abstract, registration, IMGS and University of Strasbourg scholarship's application deadline is June 16 !



10th Workshop on Innovative Mouse Models (IMM2019) on June 19-21, 2019 in Leiden, The Netherlands


The goal of IMM2019 is to bring together a diverse group of scientists interested in all aspects of advanced mouse experiments within current ethical standards, including key developers of emerging technologies as well as researchers who wish to apply and assess these new approaches - Early bird registration deadline-26th April



INFRAFRONTIER2020 Project | Trans-national Access call - April 2019

Specialised phenotyping pipelines


Trans-national Access Call to facilitate access for the wider biomedical research community to the infrastructure and expertise of the participating INFRAFRONTIER facilities, where mouse mutant lines can be tested through phenotyping pipelines with special focus on Neurology and Behaviour, Acute or more Chronic Inflammatory Conditions and Immune-Phenotyping screening by Mass Cytometry- Deadline April 30th 2019





INFRAFRONTIER2020 Project | Trans-national Access call - March 2019

Specialised phenotyping / metabolic phenotyping pipeline 


Trans-national Access Call to facilitate access for the wider biomedical research community to the infrastructure and expertise of the participating INFRAFRONTIER mouse clinic, where mouse mutant lines can be tested through phenotyping pipelines with special focus on Metabolic Functions - Deadline April 15th 2019





Infrafrontier/IMPC Conference 2019

3-5 June 2019, Helsinki, Finland

Genetic Variation, Big Data and Ageing


Experts in functional mouse genomics will meet with top international medical researchers. Registration is now open, oral and poster presentations may also be offered.




Summer school in Mouse Functional Genomics | May 2019, Alsace, France


This unique international event will provide the attendees with a wealth of information on methods good practices in the use of mouse model (experimental design, ethics, regulations, analysis, data and resources ...) to support attendees in their research. The school covers the all the fields of mouse phenogenomics, ranging through 5 topics from state-of-the-art mouse genetics, mutagenesis, mouse colony management, phenotyping human diseases and data management (statistical approaches)






INFRAFRONTIER2020 Project | Trans-national Access call - January 2019


Call for submission of proposals for free-of-charge development of novel rat lines that will advance knowledge of human disease and will be of widespread use in biomedical science.

This call supports 3 customised rat model development projects.






Call for abstracts for EMBO workshop 

"Mesenchymal cells in inflammatory immunity and cancer", organised by Infrafrontier partner BSRC Alexander Fleming in Athens, Greece






INFRAFRONTIER2020 Project | Trans-national Access call - January 2019

Precision mouse model development

Call for submission of proposals for free-of-charge development of novel mouse lines that will advance knowledge of human disease and will be of widespread use in biomedical science.

This call supports 12 precision mouse model development projects. A complementary call provides support for 3 customised rat model development projects.




December 2018


Trans-national Access call - December 2018

Derivation of germ-free mice (axenic service) call
Call for submission of proposals for free-of-charge derivation of germ-free (axenic) mice mouse model. A total of 5 projects will be supported in this first call.



Trans-national Access call - October 2018

Specialised Phenotyping - metabolic and behavioral phenotyping pipelines
Call for submission of proposals for free-of-charge mouse model specialised metabolic or behavioural phenotyping services and preparation of a comprehensive phenotyping report. A total of 9 projects will be supported in this first call.



INFRAFRONTIER/IMPC Stakeholder Meeting 2018

Advancing Rare Disease Research & Gene Therapy Applications with Animal Models

The second Stakeholder Meeting of INFRAFRONTIER, the European Research Infrastructure for phenotyping and archiving of model mammalian genomes, will be jointly organized with the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium (IMPC). 



Announcement of one temporary staff research position  

In the context of the Program “ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos", code MIS 5002135, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” announces one temporary staff research position (201807Phen_08) .



Announcement of one temporary staff research position  

In the context of the Program “ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos", code MIS 5002135, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” announces one temporary staff research position (201806Phen_15) .



Announcement of one temporary staff research position  

In the context of the Program “ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos", code MIS 5002135, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” announces one temporary staff research position (201806Phen_23) .



Announcement of one temporary staff research position  

In the context of the Program “ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos", code MIS 5002135, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” announces one temporary staff research position (201802Phen_17) .



Announcement of one temporary staff research position  

In the context of the Program “ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos", code MIS 5002135, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” announces one temporary staff research position (201802Phen_02) .



Trans-national Access call - April 2018

Precision mammalian model development / rat models
Call for submission of proposals for free-of-charge rat model development services for studies in neurobiology, cardiobiology, and immunology, supporting a total of 6 projects. 



Announcement of one temporary staff research position  

In the context of the Program “ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos", code MIS 5002135, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” announces one temporary staff research position (201802Phen_15) .



Announcement of one temporary staff research position  

In the context of the Program “ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos", code MIS 5002135, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” announces one temporary staff research position (201802Phen_08) .



Announcement of one temporary staff research position  

In the context of the Program “ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos", code MIS 5002135, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” announces one temporary staff research position (201802Phen_17) .



Announcement of one temporary staff research position  

In the context of the Program “ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos", code MIS 5002135, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” announces one temporary staff research position (201802Phen_02) .



Announcement of one temporary staff research position  

In the context of the Program “ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos", code MIS 5002135, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” announces one temporary staff research position (201802Phen_07) .



Announcement of twenty-two (22) temporary staff research positions of various disciplines and specialisations


In the context of the Program “ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos", code MIS 5002135, with a three-year duration, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” announces a series of research positions of various disciplines and specializations.



Trans-national Access call - November 2017

Precision mammalian model development
Call for submission of proposals for free-of-charge mouse model development services using the CRISPR-Cas9 system.



INFRAFRONTIER / IMPC Stakeholder Meeting

14-16 November 2017, Athens, Royal Olympic Hotel. 

Focus of this meeting is on ‘Advancing Personalised Medicine with Animal Models’. 




Announcement - Award of the Program entitled "InfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos"

ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos (MIS 5002135), ranked second under the call 039 "STRENGTHENING RESEARCH AND INNOVATION INFRASTRUCTURE". The program focuses on the phenotypic characterisation of inflammatory, metabolic and neurodegenerative mouse models of human disease.



Trans-national Access call - July 2017

Call for the the derivation of germ-free mice (axenic service). The INFRAFRONTIER2020 participating axenic- and gnotobiology platforms support research into host-microbiota interactions to study the role of the microbiome in both health and disease. Access to the axenic service will be granted on the basis of scientific excellence and supports pilot projects for the derivation of-germ-free mice.



INFRAFRONTIER - OPEN Call - Model development and systemic phenotyping

Main objective of the INFRAFRONTIER open call is to facilitate access for the wider biomedical research community to the unique infrastructure and scientific expertise of the participating mouse clinics.



Announcement of a series of research positions of various disciplines and specialisations

In the context of the expected start of the Program entitled “ΙnfrafrontierGR/Phenotypos", code MIS 5002135, with a three-year duration, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center “Alexander Fleming” announces a series of research positions of various disciplines and specializations.



INFRAFRONTIER-I3 | Mouse Metabolic Phenotyping Training Course

The course will be run by the German Mouse Clinic (GMC) based at the Helmholtz Centre Munich, and will cover state of the art phenotyping assays used in the energy metabolism, diabetes, clinical chemistry and pathology screens of the GMC. October 10-13th, 2016.



The ESFRI Roadmap 2016 has been published online

The ESFRI Roadmap 2016 has been published onlineThe ESFRI Roadmap 2016 identifies the new Research Infrastructures (RI) of pan-European interest corresponding to the long term needs of the European research communities, covering all scientific areas, regardless of possible location.



Training Offer - mouse phenogenomics  - November 2015, Alsace, France

Training course aimed at providing a theoretical and practical background knowledge destined for researchers and engineers that are willing to acquire primary expertise in mouse development. November 25-27th, 2015.





Infrafrontier.GR/Phenotypos is one of the six Biomedical Research Infrastructures included in the new National Roadmap that has just been launched. This next phase of development, "Phenotypos", will expand the current Infrafrontier-GR services to include complex disease phenotyping including metabolic and neurological disease.




INFRAFRONTIER resources and web portal published in Nucleic Acids Research Database Issue

An article describing the INFRAFRONTIER services and web portal, has been published in the latest Database Issue of Nucleic Acids Research. The article outlines new features and resources including training materials via a comprehensive knowledgebase.




Mouse blood and lymphatic vessels phenotyping
Barcelona, November 17th - 20th 2014

The EC FP7 funded INFRAFRONTIER-I3 project offers a phenotyping training course on mouse blood and lymphatic vessels phenotyping that will be held at the UAB Barcelona / CBATEG and Veterinary School on November 17 – 20, 2014.



INFRAFRONTIER-I3 offers a free of charge mouse phenotyping service

The EC FP7 funded INFRAFRONTIER-I3 project (2013 – 2016) supports European researchers with a free of charge mouse phenotyping service. A total of 22 mouse mutant lines can be characterised through a broad based primary phenotyping pipeline in all the major adult organ systems and most areas of major human disease.



France, Greece, Czech Republic and Finland enter the INFRAFRONTIER GmbH

In a formal act authenticated by a notary in Munich, four founding members acquired shares of the INFRAFRONTIER GmbH: the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) from France, the Biomedical Sciences Research Center 'Alexander Fleming' from Greece, the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Acedemy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, and the University of Oulu in Finland.



INFRAFRONTIER-I3 Transnational Access call for mouse production

FP7 funded INFRAFRONTIER-I3 project (2013-2016) supports eligible customers with a free of charge mouse production service implemented as a Transnational Access (TA) activity providing a total of 30 access units. The access unit is defined by the production of a minimum of two heterozygous mice carrying the targeted gene allele of choice from the corresponding validated gene-targeted ES cell clone(s).



Ιnfrafrontier-GR receives 3.9M Euro funding

Τhe Greek Ministry of Development, through its General Secretariat for Investments and Development, has committed 3.9M Euros for the development of the Infrafrontier-GR infrastructure at three partner sites. Implementation of the project is already underway and expected to be completed in September 2015.



Infrafrontier Memorandum of Understanding signed by five countries

With the signatures of the Czech Republic last week and France this week, the Infrafrontier Memorandum of Understanding has now been signed by five European member states. The document had already been signed by Germany, Greece and Finland.


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